March 27, 2010

neely & ella

these two sisters were so fun to work with. i am out of words today, so i don't know what to say. they are just beautiful, fun, sweet girls. but what more needs to be said than that?

these are a small number of the photos we took. and i wanted to try out a different editing style on these. they aren't naturally this color or this washed out. promise.


The Bennetts said...

love the style and photos - especially the train tracks. Such delicate little girls and dresses (the parasol looks almost unreal) and the hard dark contrast of the tracks. Cool!

us*limes said...

you always were better at words...

The Bennetts said...

If so, and I'm not conceding the point, it would only be due to the endless hours of English grammar and British authors the likes Chaucer and Dickens that were pounded into my unwilling and hard head in high school!

Carolyn said...

These turned out adorable! I know Hallie loves loves loves them! I love the parasols too!

Well I had my babies! We get to bring them home from the NICU today! They still are delicate, but if you are up for a photo shoot still, we would love to do that! They were born on the 9th.